Zurbaran painted directly from nature, and he made great use of the lay-figure in the study of draperies, in which he was particularly proficient. He had a special gift for white draperies as a consequence, the houses of the white-robed Carthusians are abundant in his works.
-Francisco de Zurbaran - 1598 - 1664

About Francisco de Zurbaran:The Spanish painter, Francisco de Zurbarán was was born at Fuente de Cantos in Extremadura. He is known primarily for his religious works depicting monks, nuns, and martyrs, and for his still-lifes. Zurbarán gained the nickname Spanish Caravaggio, owing to the forcible, realistic use of chiaroscuro in which he excelled. We list seven Francisco de Zurbaran Paintings on this page.
Most Famous Francisco de Zurbaran Paintings

Francisco de Zurbaran Paintings for sale - Handmade Canvas Reproductions

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